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Consequently Burning Calories Not Optimal

Written By Emdua on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 00.11

Today, the number of people in various countries who are obese has increased. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2015, people who are overweight will reach about 2.3 billion.

Why is that? According to Professor Alan Maryon-Davis, who was President of the Faculty of Public Health in the UK, increasing cases of obesity due to decreased movement of a person's body. The result was not optimal calorie burning.

"Although many people have an established life, but many of them forget to be physically active lives," said Professor Alan quoted from the BBC.

The problem was that according to Professor Alan trigger surge in the number of cases of obesity. Then, he compares to that which occurred in the 1960s and then. At that time, the case is relatively small.

"Since (then) they tend to be more active and can maintain a normal weight, this is about social norms," he said.

Department of Health also explained that in the 1960s, particularly in Britain, daily routines involve community members with physical very high so that helps the body stay slim.

While at this point, a person's life the more static and less movement. Coupled with the many fast food products are unhealthy. It helped create an environment that is very difficult for a person to achieve and maintain an ideal body weight.
00.11 | 0 komentar | Read More

High Cholesterol Increases Risk senile

Cholesterol and high blood pressure is one factor increasing the risk of heart disease. But, did you know that two of cardiovascular disorders it also increases the risk of early memory loss and other cognitive problems?

"We found that cardiovascular risk in middle age is associated with lower cognitive function," said Sara Kaffashian, one of the team of researchers from INSERM, the French Institute for Health and Medical Research in Paris, as quoted from Aol.

Conclusion that the research will be presented at the annual meeting of the 'American Academy of Neurology' 63rd in Honolulu, 9-16 April 2011 that involved 3486 men and 1314 women with an average age of 55 years.

The research team asked participants underwent three cognitive tests over a period of 10 years. Tests ranging from reasoning, memory strength, until smooth vocabulary. These are then analyzed with cardiovascular conditions by age, gender, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, smoking history, and history of diabetes.

The result, those with lower cognitive test scores tended to have higher risk of heart disease 10 percent higher.

"From the standpoint of prevention, is important because people can improve their heart health in order to prevent or delay cognitive impairment or dementia later in life," said Kaffashian.

Kaffashian said the study was conducted to identify and treat risk factors for cardiovascular disorders.

"Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and diligent exercise, early on not only prevent strokes and heart disease but retain cognitive function," he said. "Evidence from clinical and pathology showed that treating hypertension reduces the risk of dementia.
00.09 | 0 komentar | Read More

Five Secrets of Ageless

One way to stay young is to keep the senses remain vigilant. That is by doing exercises to improve and maintain the sensitivity of the senses.

Robin Westen author of "Ten Days to Detox: How to Look and Feel a Decade Younger" reveals how, in order to keep your senses to function optimally. Just follow five easy ways, as reported from ThirdAge.com.

1. Sense of hearing
This means listening to all and a variety of sound vibrations that surround us. Not only the music that influences mood, every sound that goes into the ear actually has meaning. By training yourself to appreciate all the votes, you can make sense of hearing to be functioning better. Sit down not far from open windows. Close your eyes, and remain silent until you hear the voices in his head. Open hearing until you hear the sound in the room.

2. Sense of vision
Although you are not a problem when I saw something big or broad, but often difficult to focus when looking at something small. Begin to notice small things around, like a falling leaf, ants running or anything else. Also, note the behavior of others and their body language, which can send messages out oral instructions.

3. Sense of taste
Prepare a meal for yourself, but let the rice and side dishes separately. Begin eating gradually. Enjoy the taste of every mouthful of food. Notice how the teeth and tongue on the texture of food. Chew slowly.

4. Smell
Collect items that have a scent. Like flowers, herbs, fruit, or fragrant soaps. Close your eyes and take one item at a time. Allow yourself to absorb the fragrance as one by one.

5. Sense of touch
Choose a few different items in terms of weight and texture. For example shells, silk scarves, and pumice. Pick a favorite item but must be varied. Place on the table and closing your eyes, take each item and overall exploration. Feel the difference in texture and temperature of each item. Our sense of touch provides a source of important information and is the main source of pleasure.
00.05 | 0 komentar | Read More

Contagious yawning may

When the body is tired or when the brain needs oxygen to keep working, we'll evaporate to bind more oxygen in the blood. Interestingly, when we see others yawn or even just by reading the word 'yawn,' as if we were infected, go to evaporate.

However, according to research results as outlined in the journal Child Development, the ability of people to infection is also associated with social skills.

Psychologists from the University of Connecticut studied 120 children from age 1 to 6 years. While reading a story, the reader will stop and evaporate in front of children. However, less than 10 percent of children aged less than 4 years back by contributing to evaporate. In older children, the response is very significant yawning occurs that is 35-45 percent.

"We know that the child's social life develops after the first few years," said Molly Helt, head of research such as that quoted from the pages of Scientific American.

Although, children under five is very sensitive to expressions of others, his brain has not been able to imitate others unconsciously. In fact, in adults it is often the case. "At some point, we like to take other people's emotions without ever thought of," he said.

In the second study, the researchers used children with autism as participants by using the same scenario.

They found that children with autism are not contracted to participate evaporate. Only 11 percent of participants aged 5 to 12 years which can be infected. This is very different from the normal children the same age as there are 43 percent of children who participated evaporated.

Although children with autism do not have problems in identifying expressions of others, their brains are not able to respond. "They do not develop an emotional connection with people around them automatically," he said.

Helt also said the relationship between the condition of the brain that govern social life in the first years of life can be applied to identify and prevent child affected with autism or not.
00.01 | 0 komentar | Read More

Food Addiction Solution

The habit of eating certain foods, like chocolate, potato chips or chocolate every day, can cause health problems. It also indicates that you have food addiction.

The author Rachael Moeller Gorman in the book Eating Well March-April issue reveals, food addiction can occur because the brain circuitry overtake food. This case is similar to drug addiction and alcohol on a person.

Nora Volkow, Director National Institute of Drug Abuse United States also expressed the same thing. According to his research, someone who is chronically crave certain foods, not unlike people who suffer from drug or alcohol addiction. People are so, he says, has always had a problem, such as stress and sleep deprivation.

Then, how to overcome habits such as overeating, the following tips, taken from Shine.

1. Anticipate when you're feeling weak

Embed this in your heart that will not let myself be tempted to eat snack foods to excess. In addition, you can replace a snack with fresh fruit. In this way one day, your habit of eating snacks will gradually diminish.

2. Occasionally eat-foods that taste the same

If you eat one food for days, you will feel bored. "But if you eat a varied diet triggers you to eat more than if you only have one type of food on your plate. So keep eating foods with a relatively simple menu," said Volkow.

3. Avoid eating in the car and in front of the TV

"Setting the space for dining so you focus only eat the food on the plate," said Volkow. He also recommended that you do not eat outside the dining room table.

4. Get plenty of rest

Lack of sleep can cause increased appetite. "It has now been recognized that sleep deprivation increases the risk of overeating and obesity," said Volkow. National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night for adults.

5. Stay calm

"When someone is stressed, can lose their ability to exert control over desire," said Volkow. "Turn off stress with exercise. You can schedule a workout every day. "
00.00 | 0 komentar | Read More

Effective body slimming pepper

Written By Emdua on Kamis, 21 Juli 2011 | 23.09

Would you like sprinkled pepper powder into the dish? Research University of California, Los Angeles, revealed that the heat generated peppers can increase calorie burn and oxidize the layer of body fat.

The key is in dihydrocapsiate (DCT) is contained inside the pepper. It's kind of capsaicin or a chemical compound that gives the effect of heat in peppers. The difference, dihydrocapsiate not cause a sense of torment in the mouth and stomach.

"Dihydrocapsiate increase calorie burning in the body," says David Heber, MD, PhD, who published the study in the annual Experimental Biology conference, as quoted from the pages of the Telegraph.

In his research, Herber test the ability dihydrocapsiate in 34 men and women with obesity. For four weeks, he asked all participants to replace daily meals with nutritious low-calorie liquids.

Herber also give them a pill at random. There is a group that received dihydrocapsiate pills, there are also receiving a placebo or dummy pills. Result, those who have experienced dihydrocapsiate burning more body fat than those taking placebo.

Herber concluded that dihydrocapsiate significantly increase fat oxidation, and encourage the body convert fat as fuel energy. Combined intake of low-calorie meal, the menu dihydrocapsiate potentially be an effective slimming diet.
23.09 | 0 komentar | Read More
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